How To Install Hashcat 6.2.5 On Ubuntu 18

You can install hashcat 6.2.5 on Ubuntu 18 in two methods. First, install using the package manager or APT (Advanced Packaging Tool). The second is to install manually using the binary files.

But before we get into the details, we should also consider the fact that Well well-known password cracker or password recovery tool, hashcat is also a very important tool that is very popular among penetration testers, hackers, criminals, and spies to guess encrypted passwords. It is often used for illegal purposes since it helps the users crack or recover passwords for a system. Besides these illegitimate uses, cracking passwords is also useful for various legitimate purposes such as checking the strength of passwords beforehand so that hackers cannot crack them easily. 

So, take steps wisely.

How To Install

As mentioned above about the two methods to install hashcat 6.2.5 on Ubuntu 18, ie, installing using the package manager or APT (Advanced Packaging Tool) and manual installation by using the binary files, we are not discussing each step to help you execute the methods. 

1. Install Using The Package Manager Or Apt

APT is an advanced management tool that is used for installing and uninstalling software on a Linux distribution. 

1. Before starting this process, make sure that you have updated your entire system. You will need to have the latest version of your Ubuntu because it will ensure that you can use its best features. Next, also make sure that you have the latest APT, which can be easily bought in the market. 

2. Now, you can either use the Ubuntu software or the Ubuntu software app. Open it and type in the commands given below-

  • Sudo app update
  • Sudo app upgrade

3. Then, press the ‘Y’ key to confirm the upgrade on all the packages that have been listed. Allow them to be downloaded and installed on your computer. This can take a few minutes.

4. Before going any further, restart your system. 

5. After the update on your system, your system will be up to date now you can easily install hashcat using APT with ‘sudo apt install hashcat’.

6. Type in your user password and click on “Y” to confirm the installation.

7. Once the hashcat has been installed, check to see if it is working properly.

After following the above-mentioned steps, you will have hashcat installed on your computer. Hence, there is no need to do it manually. But we will still give you a guide on how you can install it manually and use binary files in the next section.

2. Install Using Binary Files

If for some reason, you have not installed hashcat using APT and want to do it using binary files, here are the steps you need to follow:

1. Before going ahead with the download and installation, it is important that your Ubuntu is up to date and that you have the latest version to use the best features.

2. After updating the Ubuntu, open the hashcat website to get the links to binary files. You can download those files directly from the web browser or use the command- wget

3. Now, extract the file from the ‘downloads’. You can do this by going to the file, then right-clicking, then choosing the option ‘extract here’ from the drop-down menu.

4. You can also do this from a terminal using the command- 7z, but for this, you might need to install 7zip first. For this, you can use the command- sudo apt install p7zip-full.

5. Once this is done, you can open the terminal and move it to a new folder. For this, use the command- cd Downloads/hashcat-6.2.5/. 

6. Now you can run the benchmark to check if it working properly or not using the command- ./hashcat.bin -b.

While using this method of installation, if you encounter any errors, there is no need to worry. You can fix them by using the previously mentioned method, using APT i.e.-

  • Sudo app install ocl-and- libopencl1
  • pocl-opencl-icd

Installing hashcat 6.2.5 is very simple and can be done following any of the two methods mentioned above. You can choose whichever method you think will work for you and get hashcat in your Ubuntu. 


Hashcat is very efficient and has many purposes. It is also very easy to install it on your Ubuntu 18, for which there are two methods-

One, with the help of APT, an advanced management tool, and second, doing it manually with the help of binary files. Both of these methods have been explained in detail above and are simple and efficient in installing hashcat 6.2.5 on your Ubuntu. After the installation, you can make use of this tool with all its updated features. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. What are the uses of hashcat?

Ans. Hashcat is used as a password-cracking tool. It helps in cracking hash values of passwords so that passwords for a system become easier to guess. It is a very quick and efficient method and can also be used for illegal purposes by hackers. 

Q2. Which tool is best for password cracking?

Ans. Several tools can be used to crack passwords. Some of them are as follows- Hashcat, Burp Suite, CeWL, THC-Hydra, John the Ripper, PACK, and Statsprocessor. etc.

Q3. What kind of passwords are easy to crack?

Ans. Any password with seven or fewer characters can be cracked very quickly. Shorter passwords are easier to crack, especially if they have all the same characters. For example, if the password is all numbers or all alphabets, it is very easy to crack.

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